PuriActives® 壬二酰胺 MEA是一种新型的皮脂平衡剂,适用于油性与脂溢性皮肤的护理。PuriActives® 壬二酰胺 MEA是一种壬二酸衍生物,水溶性好,具有与壬二酸相同的生物活性,但没有壬二酸固有的难溶于水/油、破坏乳化体系、效果难以发挥、刺激性高等缺点。PuriActives® 壬二酰胺 MEA是100%单体,不致痒、 不刺激、不会导致皮肤发红过敏、不会让皮肤过于干燥。

壬二酰胺 MEA可以帮助油性皮肤、溢脂性皮肤、黑斑多发性皮肤保持油脂分泌平衡,可用于治疗痤疮和粉刺的药妆类产品,对痤疮丙酸杆菌,棒状杆菌和表⽪皮葡萄球菌有效。壬二酰胺 MEA具有良好的美白效果,可以用于治疗色斑、黄褐斑。壬二酰胺 MEA与吡哆醇和锌协同使⽤用可以抑制5-阿尔法还原酶。壬二酰胺 MEA具有很好的去角质(去死⽪)效果,可以用于治疗红斑痤疮(红斑和丘疹脓疱性酒糟鼻)。
PuriActives® Azelaicamide MEA is a novel sebum balancer for oily and seborrheic skin care. PuriActives® azelaic acid MEA is an azelaic acid derivative with good water solubility and the same biological activity as azelaic acid without any drawbacks and side effects.
PuriActives® Azelamide MEA acts as a lightener and UV filter. It is an white, solid–drops or solid–flakes and has light characteristic odor. It provides sebum-balance for greasy skin. PuriActives® Azelamide MEA is used in cosmetic treatment of acne skins, sunscreens and lightening of skin.